Adam Hills on the Cycle of Furniture Design Trends | The Financial Times

Adam Hills Retrouvius Co-Founder

“For a lot of people this stuff is at its lowest ebb, but my self-appointed remit is to put things back into circulation, not just shrug my shoulders and condemn them. We have to find a way of reusing good things well.”

There was a time, not too long ago, when second-hand furniture shops were spilling over with ‘unsellable’ mid-century furniture and ercol day beds. Who could have guessed that they’d make such a come-back? Adam Hills, co-founder of Retrouvius, recently sat down with the Financial Times to discuss the cycle of trends and how spotting the next ‘design classic’ means putting what’s fallen out of favour back into circulation.

Read the full article on the Financial Times website here.

“In search of tomorrow’s furniture design classics’ | Article written by Kate Finnigan for the Financial Times – House and Home.

Retrouvius Financial Times Article 2023

